Niloufar Y. - Pet sitter con pensione per cani

Torino (Torino)

Più di 10 animali ospitati
Roofus si rinnova!
Se hai ancora delle prenotazioni attive puoi accedere e gestirle, per tutto il resto...
Vai al nuovo Roofus

A proposito di Niloufar Y.

Hi. My name is Niloufar and I was a veterinary student in my country for last 4 years. I can not speak Italian, but my English is good.
I also worked in a pet clinic for last 3 years as a vet assistant and I also have a little dog .
So I know how I should treat with dogs.
And the most important thing is that I love dogs more than anything in the world and I spending time with them is so enjoyable for me.
So You can trust me for taking care of your dog.

Abitazione privata
Spazi esterni
Piscina per animali
Area giochi
No bambini
Luogo riscaldato


Quali animali sono ammessi da Niloufar Y.?

Cani non sterilizzati
Cani in calore

La routine

The dogs will stay at my house which has one bedroom and one guest room .
also each one hour I'll take them to the park near the house for a walk.
they have their special placed for eating and drinking water .
I have special toys to play with them during the time that they are with me .
every single detail can be modified due to the dogs parents desire .
I studied veterinary for 4 years and I've been working as an assistant for 3 years ,so you don't have to worry about anything .
spending times with dogs is my favourite thing to do .
and beside that I have the knowledge to help them if there is anything wrong.


Policy di cancellazione

Niloufar Y. ha una politica di cancellazione flessibile. Questo significa che puoi cancellare la prenotazione gratuitamente fino al giorno antecedente la data di inizio del servizio.


Foto di Niloufar Y.
Niloufar Y.
Dog sitter


Niloufar Y. si trova a Torino (Torino).
La posizione mostrata è approssimativa; i dati dei nostri partner sono disponibili solo a prenotazione effettuata